Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2 - Restructured Form (MMPI-2-RF)

The Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2-Restructured Form (MMPI-2-RF) is composed of 338 items with the Restructured Clinical (RC) Scales at its core. The MMPI-2-RF has 51 new and revised empirically validated scales and takes 35-50 minutes to administer. The MMPI-2-RF provides a valuable alternative to the MMPI-2 test, not a replacement. The MMPI-2-RF normative sample is drawn from the MMPI-2 normative sample and consists of 2,276 men and women between the ages of 18 and 80 from several region and diverse communities in the U.S.

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C (qualification, formation et grade requis)

Rapports disponibles

Score Report

The Score Report provides raw scores, T scores, and response percentages for all scales of the instrument. In addition, this report provides a list of unscorable items (either unanswered or answered both "True" and "False") and the scales on which they appear and a list of items answered in the keyed direction on elevated "Critical Scales" (a subset of scales designated by the authors as having critical item content that may require immediate attention and follow-up). This report also provides users the option of plotting a test-taker's results together with one of several available comparison groups described in the MMPI-2-RF Technical Manual.

28,00 $

Interpretive Report: Clinical Settings

The Interpretive Report includes all the elements of the Score Report, augmented by a narrative interpretation of the test results. The additional sections provided in this narrative report are Synopsis, Protocol Validity, Substantive Scale Interpretation, Diagnostic Considerations, and Treatment Considerations.

The statements generated in the Interpretive Report are based on the item content of the scales and empirical correlates of the MMPI-2-RF. Users have the option of obtaining an annotated version of the report that provides information about which MMPI-2-RF scale scores trigger a given statement, and providing relevant sources for correlate-based statements.

72,80 $

Score Report

The Score Report provides raw scores, T scores, and response percentages for all scales of the instrument. In addition, this report provides a list of unscorable items (either unanswered or answered both "True" and "False") and the scales on which they appear and a list of items answered in the keyed direction on elevated "Critical Scales" (a subset of scales designated by the authors as having critical item content that may require immediate attention and follow-up). This report also provides users the option of plotting a test-taker's results together with one of several available comparison groups described in the MMPI-2-RF Technical Manual.

28,00 $

Interpretive Report: Clinical Settings

The Interpretive Report includes all the elements of the Score Report, augmented by a narrative interpretation of the test results. The additional sections provided in this narrative report are Synopsis, Protocol Validity, Substantive Scale Interpretation, Diagnostic Considerations, and Treatment Considerations.

The statements generated in the Interpretive Report are based on the item content of the scales and empirical correlates of the MMPI-2-RF. Users have the option of obtaining an annotated version of the report that provides information about which MMPI-2-RF scale scores trigger a given statement, and providing relevant sources for correlate-based statements.

72,80 $
Liste des tests psychométriques