8 clés pour réussir vos réunions


8 clés pour réussir vos réunions is the only work that shows and explains how to successfully conduct 8 types of meetings, working from a basic "optimal small group" model. Decision-making, conflict, creativity, board of directors, information, change adaptation, focus group and motivation meetings are examined using this concept. One chapter per subject.

Each chapter is a complete guide to one topic. The main psychosociological principles of the meeting in question lead to a definition of the meeting. Then follows an illustration of the specific usefulness of this meeting and the type of interpersonal relationships that are preferred. Then the specific leadership process is examined point by point, followed by the model roles to adopt on the part of the leader as well as participants during this process. Two preliminary factors must also support the synergy of participants and leadership techniques – the way in which participants are invited to the meeting, and the proper set-up of the space in which the meeting is held. These factors are illustrated using specific examples. Lastly, the author provides practical advice for each type of meeting, suggests variations, and ends the chapter with a standard evaluation questionnaire for the meeting.

Each type of meeting is deployed according to a unique small group concept and its optimal operation (theory of Yves St-Arnaud). According to this design, three personal energies can be used to weave the optimum dynamics of the group, that of production, cohesiveness and regulation. Calling upon his vast experience as a professional leadership trainer, Raymond Laprée successfully organizes these energies without repeating the model, so that each type of meeting is unique. Thus, motivating workers calls upon highly different techniques than those that target the acceptance of organizational change, for example.

Huit clés pour réussir vos réunions is an amalgamation of knowledge about leadership based on more than 125 different documentary sources. The French and English bibliography pertaining to each chapter includes the theoretical and practical sources of the topic discussed. This book is unique, given its basic concept that underlies all the processes, and includes original processes not found elsewhere. Moreover, eight notices of meetings are provided as examples, and 28 meeting room arrangements are illustrated. Huit clés pour réussir vos réunions presents submissions in favor of the professional nature of leadership. It is a bedside book to be consulted in order to periodically reassess one's own techniques, and can be skimmed through enjoyably to grasp the versatility of human relationships. It is the perfect gift to offer your boss… and yourself!

Raymond Lapré