ID-Supervision/Line Operations (Gsc) - Multiple Choice In-Basket - Holo-Com Corporation Exercise (PG-SHC 09C)

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The ID-Supervision/Line Operations (Gsc), previously Holo-Com Corporation In-Basket Exercise (HCC-IB), is a tool that assesses the ability to react appropriately to various management situations that may be encountered in the context of a first-level management position evolving in an operation and sales context.

MULTIPLE CHOICE! The Holo-Com In-Basket assesses a candidate's ability to respond to management situations likely to be encountered in a work environment. This In-Basket is used to evaluate first level managers (project leaders, supervisors, team leaders, coordinators) working in an operational context, responsible for operations and sales.

ID-Supervision/opérations client (Gsc) - Panier de gestion à choix multiple - Société Holo-Com (PG-SHC)
web, papier
1 heure, 30 minutes
B (qualification et formation requises)
sélection et talents

Rapport disponible

Multiple Choice In-Basket - Holo-Com Corporation Exercise - Report

Following the 14 situations presented in this In-Basket, 71 multiple choice questions were submitted to the candidate. In this context, the candidate had to choose the most appropriate statement to answer the different questions asked.

These questions call for the management abilities usually required for this level of position and aims at assessing seven (7) assessment criteria.

150,00 $
PDF Voir l'échantillon de rapport
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