Ability Exercise Pro-Fest (PROFEST-AT 06A)

Ce test n'est pas disponible à des fins de pratique/développement personnel. Si vous désirez en faire l'achat pour embaucher du personnel, veuillez nous contacter.

The Ability Exercise Pro-Fest assesses a candidate's ability to react appropriately, in writing, to situations that could be encountered on the job, in position with a supervisory role tasks. These situations could include requests from the immediate supervisor, letters from outside the organization, memoranda or requests from employees.

Exercice d'habiletés Pro-Fest (TH-PROFEST 06A)
web, papier
2 heures
sélection et talents

Rapport disponible

PROFEST-AT 06 Report

The Pro-Fest Exercise evaluates a candidate's ability to react appropriately, in writing, to situations that could occur on the job in a first-level management position. These situations could include letters sent to the organization, requests from the immediate supervisor, and memos or requests from employees. The PROFEST-AT 06 Report is the standard report for this test.

270,00 $
PDF Voir l'échantillon de rapport
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