Sales Achievement Predictor (SAP)

Measure traits critical to sales success.

With the Sales Achievement Predictor (SalesAP), you no longer have to wait 6 months, or longer, to find out whether a new hire will succeed. This unique inventory measures traits that are critical to success in sales and in related fields such as customer service, sales management, marketing, and public relations.

Many things are not apparent in an interview or resume inhibitions about cold calling, reluctance to ask for a sale, or poor motivation to follow through once on the job. The SalesAP will pick up these traits. Validated against actual sales performance, the SalesAP helps industrial psychologists, human resource professionals, sales managers, and business owners select, place, and train salespeople.

20 minutes
A (aucune)
sélection et talents, carrière et leadership

Rapport disponible

SalesAP Report

Many things are not apparent in an interview or resumé inhibitions about cold calling, reluctance to ask for a sale, or poor motivation to follow through once on the job. The SalesAP will measure these traits. Validated against actual sales performance this assessment will help you find the right person for the job.

154,00 $
PDF Voir l'échantillon de rapport
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