Mental Health, Fitness & Psychological Well-being Tests

Online solutions for the assessment of well-being and psychological distress

Mental health concerns can include both emotional problems and behavioural problems. The psychometric tests we offer in this section can be used to measure psychological well-being, stress, and maladjustment and strengths, among other mental health issues and concerns. Given the need for more rigorous psychological testing conditions when assessing for mental health disorders, some of our mental health tests, like the MMPI and the MCMI, can only be administered in one of our offices and interpreted by one of our psychologists.

Our experts can help you with the analysis and interpretation of your test results by providing effective and targeted feedback, follow-up recommendations and counselling.

Title French English
Basic Personality Inventory (BPI) x
Inventaire du bien-être psychologique (IBEP) x x
Nonverbal Personality Questionnaire (NPQ) x
Occupational Stress Inventory - Revised Edition (OSI-R) x
Psychological Well-being Inventory (PWBI) x x
Six Factor Personality Questionnaire (SFPQ) x
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