Ability to Analyse and Formulate Written Recommendations Exercise (AFWR-AT)

This test is not available for practice/personal development purposes. If you would like to purchase it to hire staff, please contact us.

This Ability to Analyse and Formulate Written Recommendations Exercise evaluates a candidate's skill at reading a series of documents, like memos, reports and press releases, in order to analyse them and make written recommendations to an organization's management. The exercise also measures the ability to write well, with clear intention and meaning, presenting a logical argument. Particular attention is paid to the rules of spelling, grammar, syntax and punctuation.

Exercice d'habileté à analyser et à formuler des recommandations par écrit (EHAFRE)
web, paper
2 heures, 30 minutes

Available report

AFWR-AT Report

For this report, the results are presented using the following rating scale:

Excellent(5): The candidate responds to the main aspects and criteria of the evaluation and his/her responses are appropriate. The candidate has surpassed expectations.

Very good(4): The candidate responds to most of the criteria of the evaluation and there were no major deficiencies noted for the aspects evaluated. The candidate demonstrated an aboveaverage performance.

Good(3): Some of the main and secondary criteria of the evaluation were raised. The candidate demonstrates some minor deficiencies with regards to the evaluated criteria.

Weak(2): The candidate omits important aspects and criteria of the evaluation. The candidate presents some major deficiencies and is having problems.

Poor(1): The candidate omits most of the aspects that are evaluated and presents several major deficiencies. The candidate is incapable of responding or the answers are inappropriate.

Absent(0): The candidate did not demonstrate this evaluation criterion in any way.

315,00 $
PDF View the sample report
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