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PsyMax Solutions Counterproductive Behavior Work Style Assessment
The Counterproductive Behavior assessment aims to help employers minimize those negative employee behaviors such as lapses in ethics, harassment, violence toward others, and disregard for safety procedures. The assessment may be administered to applicants and employees in entry-level, managerial, and professional positions.
The Counterproductive Behavior assessment was designed to help clients identify negative behaviors in employees. Clients that can identify candidates with counter productive work tendencies have a much better opportunity to control turn over and avoid costly employee behaviors including theft, poor attendance, accidents, violence, harassment, disloyalty (turnover intentions), or drug usage.
The Counterproductive Behavior assessment identifies and evaluates critical areas such as:
Business Ethics is the unwillingness to engage in unethical business practices; also, the adherence to organizational norms and using sound judgment.
Loyalty and Safety include the willingness to exert considerable effort for the organization and a strong desire to stay in the organization; control of accidents and following of procedures; and, the avoidance of reckless behavior.
Organizational Deviancy includes those intentional acts by employees that harm organizations, employees, or stakeholders.
Substance Abuse and Delinquency are the tendencies toward substance abuse; and, a willingness to maintain relationships with individuals who perform illegal or antisocial behaviors.