Work Approach and Behaviour Test (WABT 04A)

This test is not available for practice/personal development purposes. If you would like to purchase it to hire staff, please contact us.

This exercise contains a series of 300 statements that a person might use to describe themselves in a work situation. The candidate must indicate if they agree with the statement or if they believe that the statement provides an accurate description of their work approaches and behaviours. The WABT measures 25 personality dimensions that can begrouped together under various competencies or according to the five major personality dimensions, i.e. extroversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, emotional stability and openness.

Each evaluation report must be interpreted according to the position for which the test was administered for. The same personality profile can be optimal for one position but be less adapted for another type of function. A pairing between the traits of the WABT and the requirements of the position must thus be made in order to correctly interpret the results obtained. Note that it is not necessary for someone to possess all of the traits that are important for the position in order to perform adequately in this position. However, the more the personality profile resembles the desired characteristics, the higher the probability that they will provide a higher quality of work based on expected objectives. The relationship between the personality traits and the performance in a position is based on scientific studies showing the importance of the personality at work.

The test also contains three scales that evaluate to what extent the candidates took the questionnaire seriously (desirability scale, infrequency scale and an index of consistency in answers).

Test d'approche et de comportement au travail (TACT 04A)
web, paper
1 heure, 15 minutes
C (qualification, training and degree required)

Available reports

Report including competencies

The WABT measures 25 personality traits at work that can be combined using The Big Five Model or the Five-Factor Model. For each of the personality traits, you will find a brief description that characterizes someone who would have obtained a high or a low score on a specific trait. Consequently, the higher or the lower your result, more the description and adjectives used to describe the person having completed the test will or will not apply to him.

99,00 $

Report including quotients

For each of the personality traits, you will find a brief description that characterizes someone who would have obtained a high or a low score on a specific trait. Consequently, the higher or the lower your result, more the description and adjectives used to describe the person having completed the test will or will not apply to him.

135,00 $

Psychometric Report

Personalized report based on specific needs.

99,00 $

Manager Paper/Pen Version

Paper/Pen Version

116,00 $

Report including competencies

The WABT measures 25 personality traits at work that can be combined using The Big Five Model or the Five-Factor Model. For each of the personality traits, you will find a brief description that characterizes someone who would have obtained a high or a low score on a specific trait. Consequently, the higher or the lower your result, more the description and adjectives used to describe the person having completed the test will or will not apply to him.

99,00 $

Report including quotients

For each of the personality traits, you will find a brief description that characterizes someone who would have obtained a high or a low score on a specific trait. Consequently, the higher or the lower your result, more the description and adjectives used to describe the person having completed the test will or will not apply to him.

135,00 $

Psychometric Report

Personalized report based on specific needs.

99,00 $

Manager Paper/Pen Version

Paper/Pen Version

116,00 $
List of psychometric tests